Wednesday 14 September 2011

White far-right extremism – A sudden volcanic erruption in Norway

What happened in Norway still shook me to the core. Still not able understand WHY?

This is becoming a common tendency of delinquent youths (?) mostly in developed countries. I have been studying about Anders (Anders Behring Breivik) from last 3 days and following up on the issue.

Is this really an act to check multi-culturalism in Norway or to free Europe from immigrants by 2083 or to protect Christianity?
He posted his online 1,516-page manifesto titled, "2083 – A European Declaration of Independence', to around 5300 people, published on the day of the attacks. This is indicative of his well-organized approach towards horrifying act. He, in his manifesto also appreciated the superior organizational structure of -al-Qaeda- and commented that "If Muhammad was alive today; Usama Bin Laden would have been his second in command." Balancing the same tone , he further stated himself as "a real European hero", "the savior of Christianity" and "the greatest defender of cultural-conservatism in Europe since 1950".

Now the greatest question for us is – “ Should we take it as a normal act of crime or go little deeper and try to understand the psychology behind it ? ”

History is flooded with bloody racial massacres. World has changed but we must admit that we are still the same in certain areas of human behabhiour.when it comes to religion, race , color etc. we become ‘cacophonus’. Norway massacre is just an another example of it. Killing of a Indian student in a country of “so-called superior race” and drawing a swastik sign near his body signifies what ??? Isn’t it same as what Hitler did and made mankind shame ???

As long as my thinking is concern I can never accpet the Masscre of Norway is a one man show by Anders in real sesnse.A well organisation approach,a full proof plan and without a proper comman this would not have been possible to executive in such a finest (??) manner. If this is so , than the day is close when the world will agin suffer from racial agonies.

The number of incidents of far right extrimism in different parts of the world in the recent past is not something to be ignored. The rate of world population migration in last 2 decades is remarkable. The mixing up of cultures, religions, values and at the same time the fear of losing the real existence & identity of the “People of welcoming soil” surprisingly gives birth to the so-called “saviors " like Anders Behring Breivik.

I really don't know why and when & how did I get involved to this issue so deeply. May be I know something is there which is of extremely serious nature and it has not yet emerged to the world as an open threat. When suspicion becomes a reality it eventually becomes an eye opener to look carefully towards the future.

May time prevent the re-emerge of The Klan (Ku Klux Klan/ KKK).

The world is already sick enough!!!

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